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Top Internet Facts 2019 you should know about

Top Internet Facts 2019 "Interesting Internet Facts"

How much does the internet weigh?Who is the Catholic Church’s patron saint of the Internet?From web traffic to hacking, here are 15 bizarre and unusual facts about the internet. 15 – Tim Berners-Lee was knighted

Tim Berners-Lee "Cool Internet Facts"

early in his career,got himself in trouble at Oxford University for hacking university computers. Of course, he ended up graduating with a degree in physics and going on to invent the World Wide Web in 1989. In 2004, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, and in 2009, he was named an associate of the United States National Academy of Sciences.

The World Wide Web"Cool Internet Facts"

And the Internet Though we use the words interchangeably,the Internet and the World Wide Web are actually different things. The Web is specifically the network that uses URLs and HTML to browse to different pages – like if you were to type in, say, “youtube. com” in an internet browser. But when you send an email, use an app on your phone, or transfer a file using FTP,you’re using the internet… but probably NOT the World Wide Web.  The Internet is frequently called a “network of networks. ”The World Wide Web is just ONE of those networks.

                                30,000 sites hacked every day"Cool Internet Facts"

The days of hackers distributing malicious code through e-mails or trojan horse downloads? Those days are over. Now, they hack websites, often without detection, and distribute the code that way. They often target small businesses, who typically have no idea whatsoever that they’ve been targeted.

                                The Deep Web and Dark Web"Cool Internet Facts" 

Chances are, most of what you interact with on the internet in a given day is part of the Surface Web. The Surface Web is, basically, anything you can Google. The Deep Web is anything you can’t find with a search engine.  But even beyond that is the Dark Web – a section of the internet deliberately hidden from anyone not specifically looking for it. To access the Dark Web, you often need specific permissions and a special web browser intended for it.

                                Internet Addicts China"Cool Internet Facts"

China has a treatment center for internet addicts Some parents send their kids off the military school for bad behaviour. In China, you can send your kids to a military boot camp for treating internet addiction.  Internet addiction is a real affliction, but at this camp, it’s treated in a juvenile hall-like facility, complete with a mix of military uniformed guards and psychiatrists.

                                The Patron Saint"Cool Internet Facts"

Of the Internet  The Catholic Church finds it rather important for everything to have a patron saint. So naturally, with the advent of the Internet in the 1990s, it would need one as well.  Pope John Paul the Second decided that Isidore of Seville was to be the Patron Saint Of the Internet.  Of course, Saint Isidore died more than 1,300 years before the Internet was invented. But he was the man who spent his life trying to record every single piece of human knowledge ever known, so it makes sense.
Over half of web traffic is streaming and file sharing As of 2013, a combination of Netflix, YouTube, and BitTorrent made up more than 50 percent of all web traffic.  By 2015, Netflix alone had grown to 37 percent, with YouTube accounting for just under 16 percent. For reference, Facebook accounted for only 2. 7 percent of bandwidth usage, and all other non-video web browsing combined accounted for only 6 percent.

                                  Endless YouTube content"Cool Internet Facts"

 Are you on a quest to watch every single YouTube video ever made?Well, stop. It’s literally impossible. Over 72 hours – that’s THREE DAYS – of YouTube content is generated and posted to YouTube…EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. It’s probably best if you just subscribe to a few of your favorite channels and stick with them.

                                 The world’s first website"Cool Internet Facts"

s still online The first website ever created is a simple page with a white background and black text,with a few hyperlinks.  It was created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, the aforementioned creator of the World Wide Web, and unsurprisingly, its purpose is to actually explain what the World Wide Web actually is. The original site was updated frequently, so there’s no image of its very first version. But you can still access a version of the site as it looked in 1992.

                                  “Digital birth” "Cool Internet Facts"

At six months in the West Digital natives are being born all the time now.Compared to “digital immigrants” – people who grew up in a non-digital world and adapted– digital natives grew up with the Internet, smartphones, and social media. And digital technology is becoming second-nature to them earlier than ever, with children only 6 months old learning how to use touch screens and computer mice

                                The internet weighs as much as a strawberry"Cool Internet Facts"

When people started making claims that their Kindles got heavier as they downloaded more books onto it, it raised an interesting question. Is that actually possible?Does data have actual weight In short, yes. But we’re talking about the weight of individual electrons and quarks. But the entirety of everything on the entire internet weighs as much as a large strawberry,or a medium-sized egg. So the tiny silver of that you can put on your Kindle?You’d never be able to notice the difference in weight.
Internet access is a legal right in Finland In 2010, when broadband internet was just starting to become common in the United States,Finland passed a law making it a right of all its citizens.  They provide a minimum of 1-megabit-per-second internet access to all citizens, with plans to increase that to 100 megabits per second in the future. Many ISPs in the United States don’t even offer a 100 megabit-per-second you can pay for.

                                 The majority of internet traffic "Cool Internet Facts"

is not generated by humans, but by bots and malware• Bots are everywhere on the internet. Some of them help rank Google search results, or refresh your Facebook feed.  Others have more harmful aims like DDoS attacks and malware.  But bots in general make up about 52 percent of all web traffic, whether good or bad.

                                Commercial activity"Cool Internet Facts"

online used to be explicitly banned The World Wide Web is generally credited with bringing the majority of the world onto the internet in the 1990s.  But the internet, or “ARPAnet” as it was known upon its invention in 1969, was intended strictly for institutional use for most of its life.  It wasn’t until October of 1992 that the United States passed a law allowing businesses to use the internet for commercial purposes. 

                                 The internet is more than porn"Cool Internet Facts"

There’s no question that there’s lots of pornography on the internet.  But the sheer quantity of it tends to be a bit exaggerated. Internet pornography makes up only about 1. 1 percent of all content on the internet.  That’s still a lot, but it’s not EVERYTHING. The internet is not JUST for porn.

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