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Earth Destruction Predictions and Possibilities "Causes for Earth Destruction"

Earth Destruction Predictions and Possibilities 

"Causes for Earth Destruction" 

In 2012 

They thought the Earth was going to be destroyed. The doomsday prediction of Maya Calendar turned out to be false. But do you know there are realistic scenarios in which our planet Earth can be destroyed? Tighten your seatbelts as we go on a journey of 5 Most Possible Doomsday Scenarios
Possibilities for destruction of Earth
    Earth destruction possibilities

The Carrington Event. "Earth Destruction Predictions"

Carrington Event is the name given to scary massive solar flare called coronal mass injection or CME. It's one of the possible doomsday scenarios because it actually happened on our planet in the past, fortunately at much smaller scale. During this event Earth is bombarded with electromagnetic pulses which immobilize earth’s electromagnetic shielding. This may not sound scary but it is a VERY catastrophic event because the last time when it occurred in 1859 - power grids went down and in few cases power cables melted, telegraph system were rendered useless, auroras started appearing around the world and they were so bright that miners woke upend started preparing for their work, because they thought sun hasrised. If this happens today, our power grids will collapse again, GPS won't work, life support systems would be rendered useless, weather prediction, scientific studies, your beloved internet - basically the world's entire electrical infrastructure would collapse

(367789) 2011 AG5. (367789) 2011 AG5. "Earth Destruction Predictions"

Interesting. What do you think it is? It's certainly not your crush's number. Well, it's something which has potential to CRUSH all of us, literally! 2011 AG5 is a cute name scientists have given to a 140 meter wide near-Earth asteroid they discovered recently. Earth falls in the projected trajectory of this huge rock, and it can hit us somewhere between the years 2040 to 2047. Since its discovery till now, chances of its hitting us have gone as low as 1 in 500 butte very fact that an asteroid discovered only recently can posses such a threat, makes you sleep bit less comfortably. It makes you wonder how many such celestial bodies we are not even aware of. But don’t worry, you can take a sigh of relief and keep trying to impress your crush, as our friends at NASA have been already working on technology which can enable us to destroy such asteroids before they can come close. Our list is not over yet, keeps watching                                                                                                                      .
    Image result for predictions for earth destructions
    Earth Destruction predictions

   Yellowstone Caldera. "Earth Destruction Predictions"

No list of catastrophes is complete without mention of one of these volcanoes. Yellowstone Caldera may sound like a cute name but it is the name given to a volcano in Yellowstone National Park. It's not your usual volcano, it's a supervolcano - what that means is that it ranks 8 on Volcanic Explosivity Index. That sounds okay until you get to know that rank 8 is the worst a volcano can be. If The Yellowstone Super volcano erupts, it would release deposits of 240 cubic miles (or1000 cubic kilometers). To put that in perspective, it will eject enough sulphuric acid in the Earth's atmosphere to effectively cause a global nuclear winter and the ash would ruin agriculture in the western hemisphere and most people would die. Maybe some of us will still survive but those who survive will have to reestablish the entire human civilization. Here's the fun fact, this scary super volcano has erupted thrice in past 2. 1 million year sat regular interval of 600,000 years. The last time it happened was 640,000 years ago. And we are still not done yet, here is our                                                                                    

Rising antibiotic resistance. "Earth Destruction Predictions"

Perhaps the scariest of all these doomsday scenarios is the rising antibiotic resistance. It is something we cannot always be certain about and can likely happen. Don't believe us? After September 21 convocation the previous year, UN declared antibiotic resistance as the greatest and most urgent global risk - more so than climate change apparently. This is how it works, you get sick, you take antibiotic and it kills the bad bacteria, BUT some of those bacteria, over period of time may develop resistance to that particular antibiotic, and thus only the ones without the "mutation" to resist the antibiotic die, and thus the ones with the mutation can now easily multiply, and suddenly you start facing large scale medical threat because your antibiotic no longer works. Depending on how severe the epidemic is, you have very short time to develop an antibiotic which works before the time runs out. Pretty serious and scary, isn't it? But hey, we are not done yet; here is one more possible way we can lose our planet.                                                                                         

Ocean Acidification. "Earth Destruction Predictions"

When you think about oceans what comes in your head? Whales. Shark. Fancy looking creatures. And Memo. What else? That's all, right? Well, for a long time we have taken our oceans for granted. If you go ask someone, where does the air we breathe come from? They will answer - trees. But did you know more than half of Earth's oxygen is produced by Oceans alone? When was the last time you gave our ocean the due credit?!After the industrialization, our carbon emission has been going up continuously. A lot of this CO2 gets dissolved in our oceans at natural rate but our greed has accelerated the process to a point where oceans have been knocked off their balance and they are getting acidic. This is resulting in loss of life under the water. More than 90% of life forms exist in our oceans and they are facing a risk which we don’t even talk about. Forget global warming which we are still debating. Ocean acidification can destroy the life as we know it and yet there is little discussion about it in our media and popular culture. How about sharing this video, that's easiest thing you can do to spread the awareness!

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