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10 Shocking Facts About The Female and male Body


Shocking Facts About The Female Body

Here are Those-The human body is weird and wonderful at the same time. It does amazing stuff that we have no idea about!But for today we’ll be focusing on the female body, the one that bleeds every month to be able to give birth to a baby!Now during those 5 days, every woman curses her femaleness because of the pain that comes along but little do we know that there are a whole lot of reasons to love your body ladies!You will be amazed to see how less you know about your lady bits, shall we begin?

  1. Two uteruses Most women hate the fact that they have a uterus fitted in their system that bleeds every month and gives them a tough time. But think of women who have not one but  uteruses!That’s no sci-fi movie plot but a dreadful reality for some women. The thing is that some female fetuses have two uteruses, two vaginas and two cervixes that are split by a temporary wall. As the fetus grows, these parts merge together but in some cases this process is disrupted and the girl is born with the wall intact meaning she has two uteruses!
  2. Flexible bodies You thought only yoga could make you flexible not realizing that women already are pretty flexible!They may not be as bendy as a spaghetti but scientists have discovered that they have flexible lower backs. Thank evolution for that, after all women have to stay mobile during pregnancy!Confused?Well, when the bun is in the oven, women put on a lot of pounds which shifts their center of gravity. But see they are able to do everything they would want to do without toppling over!According to studies of pregnant women, when they're stood upright and lean back the curvature of their spine increases by 60%. Wow!
  3.  Longer lady parts So see clitoris as that little nubbin tucked away under the hood at the top of your vagina, right?You’d be shocked to know that this little nub actually extends inside of your body ina wishbone shape and you only see the top part!The inside part can be as long as 9cm, now you can officially say that the lady parts are more complicated and deeper than you presume!Another important thing to note here is that it is the only human body part devoted to pleasure. You heard that right, even the peen serves other functions apart from pleasure but not the clit!
  4.  Sharper senses Misogynists will hate to know that men are not superior to women in all aspects!When it comes to senses, women are superior. Did you know that me are more prone to color blindness and hearing loss?When your man isn’t listening to you, it’s actually because he can’t hear you!As for color blindness, that’s pretty evident- orange, maroon, crimson, and the likes are all RED!Okay, that’s not color blindness but we had a hearty laugh!Anyway back to the topic, women have a great sense of smell as well, when it comes to body odor and they choose a mate based on that. Guys, take the hint!                                                                                   
  5. Cellulite menace Are you one of those women who look at magazine covers and wonder how those models don’t have an ounce of cellulite on their body when you have tons of it?Relax woman, you are not battling this alone!Research shows that out of the total cellulite affected population, 90 percent of them are women. Also, it is being said that out of the total female population of the world, a whopping 95 percent of women suffer from this menace of cellulite. Okay you have company in this but what you really need to know is that cellulite is nota skin condition but just fat deposits under the skin, not some scary disease!
  6. Ever growing lady parts Once the lovely teen years are over, growth in the height domain stops but there is one body part that keeps growing in the female anatomy. You’ll be shocked to know that by the age of 32 your clit will be four times the size it was at puberty. It’s not over, by the time you reach the age of menopause your clitoris will be seven times the size it was when you were born. That is some serious growth!So ladies you don’t have to be disheartened if your man is unable to locate your sensitive parts, with time it’ll grow and you’ll have more fun!
  7. Semen is good Now if your man says that his seed is good for your body, you’d probably see that as a myth he is using to get some action!But surprisingly, seminal fluid is actually very good for a woman’s body!For starters it fights depression and anxiety because it contains serotonin and oxytocin which are mood boosters. Also it helps you sleep better. Now you know why there is an urge to drift to dreamland after a wild session!Oh and you know what to do when you feel low, yes, get some action with your man!
  8. Quicker orgasms How would you react if we tell you that women over the age of 40 are generally quicker at achieving orgasm than younger women?It sounds unbelievable because most of us believe that the younger you are, the hornieryou get!We have already told you that as you age, you clitoris grows in size. So over the age of 40, you clit is pretty big and thus easy for your man to locate. You know what that means, right?You’ll moan and writhe in pleasure more easily as you become a fine wine because about 75% women near clitoris stimulation to achieve an orgasm. Really, you didn’t know that?
  9. Asymmetrical twins Most women would nod their heads at the nextfact. Having symmetrical breasts is next to impossible!As per Dr.  Daniel Maman, board-certified plastic surgeon, One hundred percent of women have breast asymmetry!In most women, one of the breasts is perkier or bigger than the other. The difference could be so little that it is hard to notice while in some others, the difference is more than that of a cup size!But there is nothing to worry about, it could be caused due to different volumes of breast tissue or different size of breast pocket. Sometimes it is related to the elasticity of skin or can be blamed on pregnancy and breastfeeding. In short, don’t stress about your asymmetrical boobs, they are beautiful in any shape and size!
  10. Unawareness about lady parts Have you watched the episode of Orange isthe New Black where some of the ladies didn't know that we have two separate holes down there – the vagina and the one for peeing?You laughed it off but strangely, the truth isn’t far from this!A UK study showed that only half of the women surveyed could locate their vagina on an anatomical diagram, just HALF. Don’t jump out of shock already, let us tell you that less than a third of them could label 6 different parts down there. Now let that sink in!Which of these facts about the female body shocked you the most?Tell us in the comment section below. 

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