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Scary Future Predictions to be awred off

Scary Future Predictions We should careful about

10 Scary Future Predictions 

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Website on the internet – I am your host, Rebecca Falcate and today I am talking about top 10 Scary Warnings from the Future…. DO you guys think time travel is going to be possible? If you could travel, where would you go?

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Assassination warning from 4932 Ah "Scary Future Prediction"

Apex TV really is the gift that keep son giving. They make paranormal videos and are basically a conspiracy theorists wet dream. In December 2017, they published an audio clip purportedly sent in to them by a time traveller from the year 4932. How did the time traveler reach them in the first place? By email, apparently. Because 30 years ago we were sending post but in 2 thousand 900 years, we’re still sending emails. Telecommunication. Mate. Anyway, the anonymous time traveler has a warning about a future president, which he says will be enough to get him killed for relaying. He says that the year 4932 us a time and a world that many people listening to would not relate to as ideal and that time journey has destroyed future ambition, with humanity no longer seeming to pursue progression. He also claimed years were falling off the future calendar, saying “When attempting to journey to a future year that we have previously journeyed upon, our error notes return the period classification as unavailable.”This suggests the future is changeable, and with that logic he assumes the past is too. His message warns of the assassination of President Jayne Oliver Beck in July 2084. Janine, by the way, is supposed to be born in September this year. The traveler says he must never be elected because he must never be assassinated. President Beck apparently was a philosopher before taking office and proved the existence of a god. The traveler said if we preserve his philosophy we will preserve the future of humanity. He ended his message by saying a number sequence: 16 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 - which have stumped Apex TV viewers. The video has had over 2. 6 million likes.

The Great Awakening "Scary Future Prediction"

In the Age of Aquarius On November 26th 1977, a scary alien voice interrupted a British TV Broadcast at ten past five in the afternoon on ITV. Hijacking the Mannington transmitter, a scary speaker interrupted transmissions for six whole minutes, claiming to be an alien called Villon from the Intergalactic Association. With a distorted voice, Villon said that all weapons of mass evil must be removed, warning humanity that we have but a short time to learn to live together in peace. The voice implored us to remain peaceful so we could be part of the great awakening in the Age of Aquarius. The hijack was voice only, and later ITV called the hijack a breakthrough in sound. The identity of the Hijacker has never been found but afterwards tongues were wagging. A lot of alien conspiracy theorists hailed the interruption as a message from aliens of the future, who have mastered the ability to send messages through space time

                              The Drunk Traveler "Scary Future Prediction"

You know what, I might try this one. In October 2017, Police officers in Casper, Wyoming apprehended a drunk who claimed tube a time traveler. The self confessed time traveler had a message of warning, too…which wasn’t beer and liquor never sicker…. which is a shame. His warning actually said aliens will arrive in the year 2018 and cause havoc. The drunken man said he was from the year 2048 and he was able to time travel because aliens filled his body with alcohol. 


Alright then, ladies. "Scary Future Prediction"

Have we been sent a message from the future from nearby star - HD 164595? OKAY when are we going to stop naming our stars insane letter combinations? This star is a G type 94. 35 light-years away from earth. In 2015 we seemingly received a message from something in the vicinity of this star. The signal was only heard once by the RATAN 600 radio in Zelenchukskaya, Russia and it was not reported to the rest of the world until 2016. The announcement came as part of the Breakthrough listen project which is scanning the nearest 100 galaxies for transmissions. The star has been of interest to humans because it is in a habitable zone. A lot of theorists are suggesting that the message could be from a future form of humanity, or even aliens                                                                                                           Related image

Noah made headlines in 2017  "Scary Future Prediction"

when he appeared in several news publications and in an interview with Paranormal Elite, claiming to be from the year 2021 but he has been to 2120. It seems Noah isn’t his real name, just a name used to protect his identity. The man said he was 50 but he had taken secret drugs to make him younger so he appears as a 25 year old. In a video for paranormal elite he said his sole objective was to prove time travel exists. He said it was invented in 2003 but was only used by top secret organizations. Time travel was released publicly in 2028. He said he works for the government in 2021 and he has been fired, meaning he can’t get back to his time. He says that flying cars exist in 2021 and people love VR. He says in 2021 the US president is still Donald Trump and that sky is red with global warming in Vegas in 2120. He also claims that North Korea is huge threat to the world in 2030


John Tutor "Scary Future Prediction" 

had some worrying words for America…John Tutor claimed to be an American Military time traveler from 2036 and he wrote on number of blogs and bulletin boards between 2000 and 2001, starting with the Time Travel Institute Forums. John’s words were so imp active and garnered so much attention that countless works of literature and music have been inspired by them. His story is lining – so to give you the cliff notes, he said that the USA breaks up into 5 smaller constituents as a result of civil war. He also says humans create miniature black holes, and that world war three would erupt soon. Although his messages very much panicked people 18 years ago, a lot of the things John said would happen by now haven’t happened. He explained at the time of his warnings that the future was changeable and a lot of people think that by spreading his warnings, he created a new timeline of events. Some people were so wrapped up in his narrative; they created the John Tutor foundation. A lot of people think our next warning from the future also came from John Tutor using different name.

We have the Y2K Bug Scare "Scary Future Prediction" 

a lot of people pin down the Y2K scare down to a number of faxes received in 1998 by Coast to Coast AM. Basically, a lot of people were concerned that come the year 2000 – computers would break down. An anonymous time traveler faxed in to the show saying Y2K is a disaster and the government had to take control using martial law. The traveler wrote in by fax …which…loll…and said time travel was invented in 2034. The traveler warned that people suffer in the future because they forget their basic survival skills. As we know, the Y2K bug didn’t happen, but some people were SUPER scared.


2016 Computer Virus In December 2016 "Scary Future Prediction"

, swathes of people around the world reported a scary computer malfunction that they assumed was a virus. Peoples internet browsing or Netflix viewing was interrupted by text from a man who said he was from the future. The text was patchy and mismatched, but eventual; y, through crowd sourcing, it was pieced together. The full text claimed to be from a man who said he was a chromo-quantum technician whose work had been banned – I quote – to prevent me from doing exactly what I am doing now, at long last — sending a warning to our ancestors. He said that humans are taking a path into darkness and it began in the late 20th century when humans started accepting crimes and inhuman practices. He claimed all of the last 4 United States Presidents were corrupt and blindsided the people into accepting cruelty. Because humans were so stupid as to not realize what the politicians were up to, the hacker from the future claimed we, your descendants, have lived in squalor, rancor, and violence and despair all our lives, for generations.


The Unrecognizable Humans of 2987 "Scary Future Prediction"

Apex TV interviewed this guy in Armenia. He said he was employed in 1987 by the Soviet Union who wanted to send him and a group of fellow time travelers back in time to the 1600s. The machine they invented was called the History Corrector and it was designed to send people back to correct mistakes in Russian history, only they found they couldn’t, they could only send people to the future and so the man was sent forwards in time 1000 years to 2987 using a special watch. He said that in little under a thousand years people are unrecognizable and almost mechanical– they are covered in devices and strange clothes. He said that people don’t move, they levitate and aspirate. He said people were busy and emotionless. He said only 4 countries existed – the Asian Federation, Soviet Union, America and RA, whatever that may be. Good news though – people travel to Mars and it’s really lovely in a thousand years. Bad news for those of you living in the city of angels


LA Underwater "Scary Future Prediction" 

In the year 5000 I feel like Busted called it when they said they had been to the year 3000, not much has changed by we live underwater. Seriously though, one time travelled called Edward offered a scary vision of the future. Speaking to Apex TV, who else, Edward said that he worked on a top secret experimenting 2004 which allowed him to time travel to the future. He said he arrived at a wooden city floating on water, where he met a man who informed him of the post apocalyptic floods. He ventured into the ocean and saw the old city sitting at the bottom of the ocean bed. He said the flooding was a direct result of global warming and that many had suffered from the loss of coastal cities worldwide. So that was the Top 10 Scary Warnings from the Future …You’ll note that none of these time travelers. Maybe sexism in the work place is an issue that is sadly never resolved by humanity, or maybe us ladies have left these men to their BS and joined a progressive colony on mars?

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